20Jan 14
Oh What A Lovely Way
Oh What A Lovely War – Sunday 6th April – Frodsham Community Centre.
As you may know, 2014 is the centenary of the First World War and Weaver Words, Frodsham Literature Festival, (2nd – 6th April 2014) has a WW1 commemorative theme running through the festival. On the final night Kingsley Players have been invited to perform a concert version of Oh What a Lovely War – songs and readings from WW1 (about 50 minutes). We originally produced the show back in October 2010 and Lynn Pegler hopes as many of the original cast members as possible will want to come and join in again. We would also love to have some our newer members join us too. We shall be rehearsing everything from scratch again, so there is absolutely no problem if you weren’t in it first time round. The more the merrier – particularly if you have a good singing voice! All teenagers and adults welcome.
First Rehearsal – Sunday 2nd February, 7pm, Kingsley Community Centre.
If you are interested in performing, please come for an initial meeting/rehearsal at Kingsley Community Centre on Sunday 2nd Feb at 7pm.
If you would like to be in the concert but can’t make this date, please get in touch with Lynn beforehand at lynn.pegler@btopenworld.com. Tel 01928 789042.
As many of the songs are so familiar, we are not likely to need too many rehearsals.