Please note earlier start time - 7pm and 2pm (Matinée)

General News

26Aug 13

Props needed

This is a plea from John Kerry, the producer of A Servant of Two Masters:
If you add up the items listed on the props pages in the script, you will end up with c.150 items..This number excludes the considerable amount of food served, wine and fruit needed.

As the production is set in Italy during the 18th century, we aim to ensure that the props reflect the period as best we can. This will necessitate stretching the audience’s imagination a little, when items more at home in a Victorian parlour or even Edwardian dining room are used on stage.

Of the 150 items needed the following 30 plus props are those, with which we certainly need help in securing.

So if either you have and would be willing to lend to KP, or know where any item can be sourced please let me know (

Please don’t offer valuable family heirlooms, or raid Great Aunt Florrie’s drawing room, but rummage through the attics of everybody you know if there is a chance of finding a gem for our production.

Apart from this key list, we also need quite a lot of dining crockery, glasses and cutlery.

If you would like to help with props and are not already too involved in SERVANT, please contact me soon.

Thanks in advance for your help.



4 wooden Stools Not high stools
Carpet beater Got one
Shopping basket Old wicker type
Large Trunk Older the better
Wicker Basket .
Carpet bag
Sword Stick Got one need two .
Various Trays all sizes We need 5-6 altogether
2 Wine Jugs glass or metal
silver vase,
Corsets Are there any out there still?
2 Soup Tureens Normally round or oval shaped with lids
Ladle, .
3 large serving dishes with lids Lids not essential
pistol Flintlock or similar
2 cheese dishes Normally have oblong lids
Butterfly net
Snuff box
Straw Hat


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