30Sep 13
Auditions for “And Evermore Shall Be So” will take place on Sunday 10th November at Kingsley Community Centre at 7.00pm. This production is being done quite differently to normal ones, so please take note of the details on the attachment, provided...Read more
12Sep 13
Auditions for “The Ice Queen and the Enchanted Mirror” (by William Arnold Ashbrook) will take place on October 6th at Kingsley Community Centre. 2pm – 3pm youngsters from Yr3 – Yr 7 3pm – 4pm Yr8 upwards and adults. Please be punctual and...Read more
1Sep 13
Kingsley players are having a picnic on 8th of September, from around 2pm onwards. All members and supporters are welcome. If the weather is good it will be by the river Weaver, if the weather is not looking good, we...Read more
27Aug 13
Matt Jones is playing the lead role of Truffaldino in our upcoming production of The Servant of Two Masters. Some members of Kingsley Players have donated to Matt who is part of a British expedition led by Douglas Briton. The...Read more
26Aug 13
This is a plea from John Kerry, the producer of A Servant of Two Masters: If you add up the items listed on the props pages in the script, you will end up with c.150 items..This number excludes the considerable...Read more
13Aug 13
Auditions for the pantomime will be at 2.00pm on Sunday 6th October 2013 at Kingsley community centre. Details about characters to follow. Director Mary Lightfoot.Read more
28Jun 13
The sales of calendars at the recent production of Calendar Girls raised £400 for leukaemia care. Thank you to everyone who bought one!Read more
28Apr 13
The AGM for Kingsley Players took place in April 2013. Kath Kerry remains as Chair, Lesley Silcock is Treasurer, Malcolm Barker is Secretary. There were 5 additional committee members appointed.Read more
28Apr 13
Due to popular demand, we’ve added an extra production for Calendar Girls, on Tuesday night.Read more
10Feb 13
Kingsley Players have just finished a successful tour of ‘Allo ‘Allo which saw the group travel around several village halls to perform o sell out audiences. Over £1,000 was raised for KCA funds. Read more
Keep up to date with the latest productions here at Kingsley Players