General News

14May 18

Auditions – Pride and Prejudice

We are holding auditions for Pride and Prejudice on Sunday 20th May at 5.30pm at Kingsley Community Centre. If you’d like to audition for a part, or help out with the production, please come along and talk to Kelly White....Read more

28Mar 18

Summary of NODA adjudication on Arabian Nights

Our NODA representative, Joe Clarke, attended our production of ‘Arabian Nights’ on Saturday evening and has sent his report. He was full of praise for the concept, direction, set, technical aspects, and the cast. Highlights of the report include: ‘Arabian...Read more

19Mar 18

AGM 22nd April

The Kingsley Players AGM will take place on Sunday 22nd April 2018 at 6.00pm in Kingsley Community Centre Lounge.  Below is the agenda and a nominations form.  I look forward to seeing you there. Kind regards, Colin Smith Chairman KP AGM Agenda...Read more

9Jan 18

Auditions for May Play 17th Jan

Our May play will be ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’ by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman. Auditions will take place on 17th January, Kingsley Community Centre, 7.30pm. Malcolm Barker explains: I am back directing at Kingsley after a gap of three years...Read more

4Jan 18

Summary of NODA adjudication for Cinderella

We have received the adjudication for Cinderella from NODA Northwest written by Louise Colohan.   Full of praise for “a witty, highly energised and very original production which was well received by all in attendance”, the author loved the music, all...Read more

20Dec 17

NODA Nomination

We are delighted to announce that we have received 4 nominations from NODA for Cinderella, including Best Pantomime and best youths in an adult production for Chloe, Catrin and Matthew. A big “Well Done” to everybody who was involved with...Read more

31Jul 17

Cinderella Auditions

We will be holding auditions for young people and adults on Sunday 10th September 2017 from 4pm (under 18’s) and 5pm (adults) at Kingsley Community Centre. There are parts for 8 mice and a cat, at least 6 parts for older...Read more

20Jul 17

Cheshire Theatre Guild Results

Kingsley Players had a tremendous time at the Cheshire Theatre Guild awards night last night – a fantastic achievement for everyone! We had six nominations and won three awards! 1. Best Musical – A Mouse’s Tale 2. Catrin Jones – Most Promising Youngster in...Read more

26Jun 17

Cheshire Theatre Guild Award Nominations

The Cheshire Theatre Guild Award nominations have just been announced and Kingsley Players is delighted to have received several nominations… Fantastic Mr Fox – Best Director (Jake Powell) Fantastic Mr Fox – Best Lighting & Sound Some of My Best Friends...Read more

12Jun 17

Auditions for October 2017 Play

Auditions for our October play are on Sunday 18th June, at Kingsley Community Centre, at 6.00pm for juniors and 7.00pm for adults. If anyone is interested but unable to attend, please contact the director, Malcolm Barker.  Read more


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