Latest News

17Nov 15

Opportunities – Oliver

We are looking for volunteers to fulfil the following roles for the Oliver production in January:   Theatre Manager Required every night to oversee the general well being of the audience during their visit to the venue including ensuring the theatre is...Read more

29Oct 15

Review of Bite Sized Shakespeare

We were pleased to have a member of Cheshire Theatre Guild attend our production of Bite Sized Shakespeare and he has submitted his review of the show. Read the review   Photos of the production are in our gallery hereRead more

20Aug 15

Oliver auditions – October 2015

‘Oliver’ Auditions October 2015  Adults and children are invited to audition for Kingsley Players’ production of the famous musical ‘Oliver’ which is due to be staged at Kingsley Community Centre, 27th – 30th January 2016. Sunday 4 October : Audition...Read more

20Aug 15

Fund-raising concert 12th September

Fund-raising concert for Norley Wildflower Memorial Walk – Saturday 12th September   Kingsley Players will be reprising their popular WW1 songs, poems and sketches inspired by ‘Oh What a Lovely War’ at a special fund-raising concert at Norley Village Hall...Read more

17Jul 15

Summer Message From Our Chair, Lynn Pegler

To all Kingsley Players members Dear friends, I have a number of news items to share with you. Cheshire Theatre Guild Awards Firstly big congratulations to our members who were nominated for annual awards by the Cheshire Theatre Guild. Our...Read more

9Jul 15

Good Old Days – Postponed

Our ‘Good Old Days’ extravaganza has been postponed to the summer of 2016 – watch this space for further details!  Read more

17Jun 15

Time of my life – Adjudication

We were pleased to welcome Michaela Warrilow from Cheshire Theatre Guild to review our production of ‘Time of my life’ – you can read her adjudication on the PDF below.   Time of My Life AdjudicationRead more

14May 15

Bite Sized Shakespeare – A Cabaret

‘Bite-sized Shakespeare – A Cabaret’ (Production dates 21st – 24th Oct)  Workshop / audition for our October production, Sunday 31st May, 11am – 4pm, Kingsley Community Centre. Everyone welcome. Parts available for everyone! Director Ed Green explains: Many people fear...Read more

24Apr 15

New Committee

Kingsley Players had it’s AGM last week. Following elections, the new committee is: Chair – Lynn Pegler Secretary – Frances Hamer Treasurer – Lesley Silcock Members: Sue Elliott, Mary Lightfoot, Malcolm Barker, Colin Smith, Sandra Capper, JoJo Gleave, Audrey Boyle,...Read more

17Mar 15

NODA Review of ‘Pack of Three’

We were pleased to have a NODA representative come and watch our latest production, ‘Pack of Three’. Their review of the performances can be read here NODA Review Pack of 3Read more


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