Latest News

19Feb 15

Shakespeare Workshop

Book your place now for: Acting Shakespeare Workshop, hosted by Kingsley Players Venue: Kingsley Community Centre Time: Saturday 14th March, 10am – 4pm Cost: £5, including buffet lunch We are delighted to announce that Hilary Egan, an experienced director with...Read more

26Jan 15

May play reading and auditions

MAY PLAY READING AND AUDITIONS TIME OF MY LIFE by Alan Ayckbourn director                      Malcolm Barker producer                    David Crossley Performance Dates  MAY 20th to MAY 23rd We are about to move forward with our May play, a sparkling and as usual unusual...Read more

20Jan 15

NODA Review of Snow White

We were pleased to have a NODA representative come to review our production of Snow White in December. This is what he had to say: A truly colourful pantomime cleverly written and performed with true pantomime spirit. It was wonderful...Read more

12Nov 14

Good Old Days Extravaganza

On 22nd August 2015 Kingsley Players will host a one day event ‘Good Old Days Extravaganza’. Members are encouraged to wear their favourite character costume and are also encouraged to prepare and perform short pieces.  More information will be available...Read more

12Nov 14

Pack of Three – Read Through and Auditions

We have three one act plays which will be performed in February (25-28). There will be a read through of these on Wednesday 12th November, 19.30 at Kingsley community centre. The auditions will be Wednesday 19th November, 19.00 at Kingsley...Read more

10Nov 14

Christmas Lunch 2014

Last year for a change we had a Christmas lunch instead of an evening meal and because it seemed to go well we are repeating the event this year. The date is set as Sunday 14th December which is the...Read more

15Oct 14

Play Reading 22nd October 2014

Winter approaches and Sandra Capper has started the Play Reading group with details below. This promises to be a good evening. The play is very entertaining. French say:- This play is based on an 1890’s story by Oscar Wilde about Lord...Read more

15Oct 14

New Box Office Manager

New box office manager needed – be part of a lively, fun community group!  We are sad to report that Sue Blanchard, who has kindly managed the Kingsley Players Box Office for several years, has decided to take a rest...Read more

8Oct 14

February Plays Proposal

The committee would like to stage three One Act plays in February 2015. This should give an opportunity for anyone who has not directed before to have a shot at it. Don’t worry, there will be as much support as...Read more

2Oct 14

Anyone looking for a different performing opportunity?

There is an exciting new event taking place in Cheshire later this month. The event is the Zombie Survival run for your life adventure race which is taking place at Marbury Country Park, near Northwich in Cheshire on Saturday 18th...Read more


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